Sissy Spacek, obviously known for her comedic chops, is this week's host of NBC’s Saturday Night. While nominated for an Academy Award for her role in Carrie, Spacek hosts a very…interesting episode.
Full of baton twirling (thanks, Gary Weis) and a next-level performance from Richard Baskin this episode is one to remember…we think, we can’t really remember.
Luckily, Seth Abramovitch, of The Hollywood Reporter and "It Happened in Hollywood" podcast, joins us to discuss this one-of-a-kind episode.
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Sissy Spacek, obviously known for her comedic chops, is this week's host of NBC’s Saturday Night. While nominated for an Academy Award for her role in Carrie, Spacek hosts a very…interesting episode.
Full of baton twirling (thanks, Gary Weis) and a next-level performance from Richard Baskin this episode is one to remember…we think, we can’t really remember.
Luckily, Seth Abramovitch, of The Hollywood Reporter and "It Happened in Hollywood" podcast, joins us to discuss this one-of-a-kind episode.
Subscribe today! And follow us on social media on X (Twitter), Instagram, and Facebook.